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Q: What does Repetitive Motion Injuries mean?
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Can you get work comp for repetitive motion injuries in Colorado?

Yes, you can get workman's comp for repetitive motion injuries. You may have to proof the extent or seriousness of those injuries.

Whats the difference between a repetitive strain injury and a repetitive motion injury?

Some people mean the same thing when they talk about repetitive strain injuries and repetitive motion injuries. The difference is most likely that RSIs are from abusing a part of your body by working it improperly while a RMI is just from regular use.

The military considers musculoskeletal injuries to be?

There are a few injuries that are considered musculoskeletal injuries. These include repetitive motion injuries, strain injuries, trauma disorders and soft tissue disorders.

What disorder is musculoskeletal disorder that could result from a failure to use proper ergonomic practices?

Cumulative trauma disordersRepetitive stress injuries Repetitive motion injuries..your welcome! now stop cheating! -_-

What conditions can be relieved by massage therapy?

Allergies, anxiety and stress, arthritis, asthma and bronchitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive motion injuries?

What is a motion that repeats itself?

Repetitive motion

How do shoulder injuries occur?

Shoulder injuries are frequently caused by athletic activities that involve excessive, repetitive, overhead motion, such as swimming, tennis, pitching, and weightlifting. Injuries can also occur during everyday activities such washing walls, hanging curtains, and gardening

Why are repetitive stress injuries associated with computer use?


What cause chronic strains?

repetitive motion

What is the differences between repetitive and periodic motion?

Repetitive motion means the action is repeated again after a brief period of time where as periodic motion means it repeats after a fixed period of time.

What are the demographics of tendon injuries?

common among people whose occupations or recreational athletic activities require repetitive motion of the shoulder,knee,elbow,or ankle joints.Women in all age brackets are at greater risk than men for injuries to the tendons in the elbow and knee joints

What positions run a high risk of causing carpal tunnel syndrome?

Injuries of this type are referred to as "repetitive motion" injuries, and are more frequent among secretaries doing a lot of typing, people working at computer keyboards or cash registers, factory workers, and some musicians.