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Protection from evil

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Q: What does Tutela ex malum mean in English?
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What language is this 'deus servo mihi tutela meus viscus ex vulnero tutela meus animus ex malum contego mihi ex hostum'?

God watch over me. Protect my heart, protect my spirit and shield me from evil and harm. I do not know the word hostum but I am guessing "harm." deus servo mihi tutela meus viscus ex vulnero tutela meus animus ex malum contego mihi ex hostium. God watch over me, protect my heart from hurt/harm, protect my spirit/soul from evil, and shield me from the enemy.

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Ex I do not like (roughly)

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beau coup in english means alot ex: you have alot of dogs

What is save us from evil in Latin?

That's a dead language, buddy. But, according to an Internet Translator (Which should not be trusted) it is servo nos ex malum.

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my boyfriend/fiance's ex-girlfriends/fiancees

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I am much better than your ex

What does beau coup mean in English?

beau coup in english means alot ex: you have alot of dogs

Was Van Helsing based off a real person?

No, the character Professor Abraham Van Helsing was a fictional character created by author Bram Stoker for his novel "Dracula" published in 1897. He was a Dutch doctor and vampire hunter who played a key role in battling Count Dracula.

What does t'aime mean in English?

T'aime means "love you".Ex: Je t'aime = I love you.

Cansanda mean in English?

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