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Q: What does Winston due with the note the girl gave him in 1984?
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Why is Winston stunned when he read what the girl wrote on the note she gave him?

Winston is stunned because the girl, Julia, wrote that she loves him. This is surprising to Winston because in the dystopian society of Oceania, where love and personal relationships are forbidden, such a declaration is risky and goes against the principles of the Party. It symbolizes a rebellion and defiance against the oppressive regime.

What did the dark-haired girl give Winston in Orwell's 1984?

The dark-haired girl gives Winston a note that reads "I love you." This act of defiance against the oppressive regime in the novel is significant because it represents a small act of rebellion and human connection in a dystopian world.

How do Winston and Julia manage to meet in 1984?

Winston notices that the girl at his work (Julia) who he has seen from time to time has a bandage around her arm. She stumbles in the hallway and he helps her up. She slips him a note saying she loves him.

What was written in the note that Julia slipped to Winston during working hours in 1984 by George Orwell?

"I love you."

Why does Winston decide not to read Julias I love you note in the watercloset in 1984 by George Orwell?

There are probably telescreens there.

What is the plot in 1984?

Its about rain..... on your wedding day.

Who was the leader of britain during the most of world war 2?

Winston Churchill He was the leader of the UK, not just Britain (note spelling), and his name was Winston Spencer Churchill, not "Churhill".

How do you get love when your in elementary?

im in 4th and i gave a girl this note that said i like her and it really felt good and paid off

Your friend which is a girl gave you a note saying she likes you then your stupid friend asks her if she really did gave you a note and she got all mad and wont talk to you how do you fix this?

The note to you from your girl friend was private and the fact your friend asked if she really gave you the note made her angry because it was private and you should have kept it private. When you see this young woman alone then talk to her and tell her you were a bit confused and if you want to date her then ask her for a second chance and ask her out on a date. Whenever someone gives you personal information it should stay between you and that person.

What are the release dates for Kidd Video - 1984 The Lost Note - 1.7?

Kidd Video - 1984 The Lost Note - 1.7 was released on: USA: 1984

What should you get on the your date with a girl?

well my friend E Jay left notes in my locker and gave my teacher roses to give to me and then the last note he gave me was do you want to go out with me then he would give a place and a time to finally meet me

How do you get back in the secret pasage way when you have already been in there once in poptropica astro nights?

the fountain you have to give the goth girl in the windmill the princesses note and go to the fountain and click the planets on the paper the goth girl gave you