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A compound sentence has to have two complete thoughts, each with a separate subject and predicate. It also has to have a conjunction that joins or relates them to each other.

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Q: What does a compound sentence have to have?
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There is no open compound in your question/sentence. An open compound word is a compound word with a space in it, e.g. hang out

Is this a simple or compound sentence?

A simple sentence is a sentence, for example: I played a game. And a compound sentence is I played game and I ate my food.

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A compound sentence is a sentence that includes two independent clauses. This sentence states that is has been sunny, and they did not bring an umbrella, which makes it a compound sentence.

How many dependent clauses does a compound sentence have?

In order to be "compound," a sentence must have more than one independent clause. So a sentence with 2 or more independent clauses is a compound sentence.

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