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it mean to see if your hypothesis is correct

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Q: What does a conclusion and discussion mean in a science method?
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What does discussion mean in science?

it means that it is like a conclusion

What does conclusion and discussion mean in a science?

it means that we are overreacting on the beginning and the end of an experiment

What is the empirical method?

Empirical method is generally taken to mean the collection of data on which to base a theory or derive a conclusion in science.

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what do you mean science processes? do you mean scientific method?if that is,then identify the problem,form a hypothesis,gathering of data and observation,conclusion....

What does conclusion mean in science mean in science fair project?

a ninja hiya

What does method mean in science?

The method is how you will carry out an experiment.

What does discussion mean in science fair terms?

it means to describe what you did

What does conclusion and disscusion mean in a science fair?

Conclusion is what you would find at the end of the experiment. The judges would use it as such "What was your conclusion?"

What does conclusion mean on a science projeact?

it your hypothesis was supported by the data and how?

What does the science word conclusion mean for science fair projects?

it mean the result of your whole project like a short summary

What does discussion mean on a science fair project?

to explain how the project topic works and what it does

What does conclusion mean in a science fair?

this is my first project, and i don't know much about it. i want to know what conclusion means. what does it means?