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Q: What does a healthy footballer need?
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What do you do to be a footballer?

To be a footballer, you need to train hard, eat a right diet,and balance out your food, you need to have either or both stamina and speed, strengths...

When does a footballer need speed?

When he's running

Why do a footballer need power?

josh hardy

What does a footballer need with power?

muscular endurance

What qualities do you need to be a footballer?

you need to not be mad when you lose and you have to be a good sport!

What kind of diet does a footballer need?

burger and chips

Why does a footballer need fiber?

so that he can play properly

What do you need to do to become a footballer?

You need to develop your muscles and gain stamina as well.

Why does a footballer need co-orderation?

To kick the ball, presumably.

Why does a footballer need the most energy in their diet?

Coke and sweets