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Avoid doing any job that causes you stress and requires a lot of effort .

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Q: What does a person avoid if they sufffer from vertigo?
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Can you cure Vertigo?

Vertigo is defined as a feeling of a spinning sensation.To avoid vertigo: cut on caffeine, alcohol, salt, and tobacco.Drink sufficient fluids, eat a healthy diet, get sound sleep, and avoid stress. If vertigo occurs due to medication, talk to your doctor about discontinuing or reducing the dosageHaving problems with vertigo and dizziness?Here's what helped me:

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Did you know how can i avoid the vertigo case if it happend?

Vertigo can be caused by many different things and the best way to treat it is to find the cause of the vertigo. Vertigo can be caused by inner ear problems, drug use, head injuries or tumors etc...While you are having an episode of vertigo however, the best thing to do is to sit still and try to focus your eyes on a specific thing like a picture on a wall.

What are the most common symptoms for someone that has vertigo?

Common symptoms for someone that has vertigo are dizziness. also fatigue and nausea. A person with symptoms of vertigo should seek medical attention immediately and refrain from driving.

What is doggie vertigo?

Vertigo in simpler terms means a feeling of dizziness or giddiness. It can also be defined as the feeling experienced by a person as if he is about to fall. Intense vertigo in dogs is known as vestibular disease or vestibular syndrome. Vertigo symptoms in dogs are very uncommon as vertigo is a rare dog heath problem. But they are symptoms of some major disease and hence should not be ignored.

When was Count Vertigo created?

Count Vertigo was created in 1978.

The sensation of the room spinning or the person spinning is called?

Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo

Is there an invertebrate that starts with the letter v?

Vertigo angustior Vertigo arctica Vertigo moulinsiana

Virtigo is a fear of what?

Vertigo is a fear of losing balance. It can also be refered as an illness instead of a fear.

How long does vertigo last in cats?

Vertigo in cats can range in length. Vertigo is a symptom of a bigger problem, and until the problem is identified and treated, the vertigo will probably not subside.

What types of foods should you avoid with vertigo?

it is best to avoid fried foods, cheese, caffeine, chocolates, alcohol and MSG. Try eating more fruits like kiwi. Eat healthy and stay healthy!

When was Vertigo - UTS - created?

Vertigo - UTS - was created in 1980.