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Q: What does a positive result look like for each food test?
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What particles are attracted as a result of the electrostatic force?

Charged particles such as electrons and protons are attracted to each other as a result of the electrostatic force. Positive charges are attracted to negative charges, while particles with like charges (positive-positive, negative-negative) repel each other.

What will happen to two positive objects when they are brought near each other?

When two positive objects are brought near each other, they will repel each other due to their like charges. This repulsion force is a result of the positive charges on both objects creating an electrostatic force that pushes them apart.

What happens when you subtract a negative from a posotive?

Subtracting a negative is like adding a positive; the result will be positive.

What does a CVS positive pregnancy test result look like?

A plus sign for positive and a minus sign for negative.

Why does positive and positive charges repels in a cell?

Because like charges repel each other.

Like charges positive and positive do what?

if your writing a formula they don't balance..or cancel each other...

Which particles are attracted as a result of the electrostatic force?

Charged particles such as protons and electrons are attracted to each other as a result of the electrostatic force. This force arises due to the attraction between opposite charges (positive and negative) and the repulsion between like charges.

Will positive and positive attract or repel?

'Like' charges (both positive or both negative) repel.Unlike charges (one of each) attract.

What does a positive test result for urea hydrolysis look like?

Bright pinkish-red.

What foods do Diavlo Monsters not like on Moshi Monsters?

Each monster is different. You take your monster shopping at the Gross-ery store and buy food. Your monster will say something positive (such as "Yummy") if you choose a food it likes.

How do you multiply like and unlike signs?

Think of it this way: It's like spreading the negative sign flu that cancels each other out. positive * positive = positive negative * positive = negative positive * negative = negative negative * negative = positive

What foods do furis like?

This question won't get the same answer all the time so you will have to work it out on your own. Do this by buying food at the Gross-ery store and if your Furi is positive about the food then it may like it. You will know if your monster is positive when it says something like " Yum!" or " Ooohh" Once your monster is positive about the food go home and feed it to him or her and if your monsters health meter goes up by a massive amount then your monster obviously likes the food.