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Q: What does a scribe school look like?
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Related questions

Why is being a scribe a good role?

Being a scribe got many people higher in social structures.

Did ancient egyptians have school?

YES!Only boys went to school. At school they learned how to be a scribe. To be a scribe you had to be at least 10 years old. while the boys went to school, the girls stayed home and learned skills from there mothers. =)

Who today is like an ancient Egyptian scribe?

Today's scribe is would be probably be sumone of bureaucratic status

What is a name of an ancient scribe school or school for scribes?

It is called an Edubba in Mesopotamia. Meaning tablet house.

How do you use a scribe for a sentense?

I like do in the Fremont

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Where can you find Jameson in the Citadel in Fallout 3?

Scribe Jameson can be found wandering around the Library or Archives in the A Ring, look out for her distinctive red scribe uniform.

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What part of speech is the word scribe?

Scribe is a noun (a scribe) and a verb (to scribe).

How does thoth look like?

Thoth appeared as a man with the head of an ibis holding a scribe's palette and stylus. He was also shown as a full ibis, or sometimes as baboon.

What is the origin of the word describe?

The word "describe" comes from the Latin word "describere," which means "to write down" or "to copy from" in English. It is derived from the prefix "de-" (down) and "scribere" (write).