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An upside down triangle on a school bus typically indicates that the bus is carrying hazardous materials. This helps other drivers on the road to be aware and stay a safe distance behind the bus.

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Q: What does a upside triangle mean on a school bus?
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What did black bus riders do on December 5 1955?

December 5, 1955, was the beginning of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Who invention impacted public schools in the 1900?

The invention of the standardized multiple-choice test by Frederick J. Kelly in the early 1900s revolutionized the educational system. These tests helped to measure student learning more systematically and influenced the way subjects were taught and assessed in public schools.

Son has given up on school and refuses to do school work?

It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your son to understand his reasons for giving up on school. Try to identify any underlying issues that may be causing his lack of motivation and seek support from school counselors or mental health professionals if needed. Encouraging and providing positive reinforcement for small achievements may help him regain interest in his education.

If a teacher decides to have her students volunteer at a community nursing home after school which of the following would be a negative externality?

An externality is the cost or benefit that affects a party who did not choose to incur that cost or benefit. Some negative externalities in this case could be:Students who work after school and would either have to request time off from work or miss the activity.Students who have extracurricular activities after school would have to choose between the two activities.Parents would have to arrange to pick their children up from the activity rather than the student riding the bus home if they live in the country.A student would be unable to work at a part time job on that afternoon.

What tranport do you prefer when you travel and why?

BIG RED 1: Over all, I prefer owning your own vehicle (most commonly cars) because you can go anywhere (legal of course), without having a time schedule. When i catch bus at a regular basis, I sometimes arrive late and have to wait 30 minutes until the next bus. However, there are problems including maintenance and the rego. If you travel often, a car is a must.