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food. & Btw: They're cute(:

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Q: What does a zerba eat?
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Related questions

What is Zerba's population?

Zerba's population is 123.

Why are zerba herbivores?

Zebra are herbivores because they eat plants and mind your spellings.

What is the area of Zerba?

The area of Zerba is 25 square kilometers.

What is a zerba life span?

about 25-30 years

Is a zerba a member of the horse family?

Yes it is, as it is an Equine, just like a horse.

Why is your glo fish bent?

It quite possibly has a deformed spine. This is common in very inbred fish. Your glofish is in actual fact a Zerba Danio with an added gene from a jellyfish that makes it glow.

What is zerba sound called?

There are many different noises a horse can make. I am pretty sure a zebra's call is a 'whinny' (pronounced = win-e). Horses can neigh, whinny, snort and many more.

What are some inherited behaviors for zebras?

Zebras learn how to run, graze, and mate by watching other zebras doing these activities.

How do you shellac popcorn?

eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it

What does e.e mean?

it means eat eat i eat eat i owned

Why do people in Monaco eat what they eat?

because they eat! its obvious, they eat.

How do the boys distract themselves from pain and hunger?

We don't. We eat and eat and be in pain and eat and eat and eat.....