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Adagio is a tempo in music that is very slow.

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Q: What does adagio mean in musical terms?
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In musical terms what does adagio mean?

Adagio means "to play slowly". This tempo marking is slower than andante, but a bit faster than largo.

What does the italian musical word adagio mean?

adagio means "slowly" or "gently"

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There are a few musical terms that start with the letter "a": accent, accelerando, accidental, adagio, allargando, allegretto, allegro, andante, andantino, atonal

What does adagietto mean?

Adagietto is a musical tempo marking - indicating a piece to be played more light-hearted than adagio.

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What musical terms are used to describe fast and slow?

There are in fact, many terms for fast and slow tempos The most common fast tempo would be "allegro". But there are others: presto is one. The most common slow tempo is "adagio"

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In musical terms, rinforzando means reinforced.

What is a musical term for gradually getting softer?

There are may ways to say slow like Lento Adagio Andante (moderately slow) There are many other ways to say slow but these are the basics Musical terms indicating a slow tempo include "Adagio", "Largo" and "Lento."