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to bring the shoulder toward the body

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Q: What does adduct the shoulder mean?
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which trunk muscle allows you to adduct your arms? which shoulder muscle allowed you to adduct your arm? which trunk muscle allows you to elevae your shoulders?

What muscle flexes and adducts arm at the shoulder?

which shoulder muscle allows you to adduct your arm

What muscle adducts the shoulder and cause extension of the shoulder joints?

The latissimus dorsi, and the trees major, which is known as the " little lat", both adduct, extend, and internally(medially) rotate the shoulder. The long head of the triceps also extend and addicts the shoulder, while also being an elbow extensor

Can neck joints adduct and abduct?

Yes, knee joints can adduct and abduct.

What is a synergist to pronator teres?

Latissimus dorsi is the synergist of the teres major.Specifically, a synergist is a muscle which acts with another. The latissimus dorsi helps adduct and rotate the shoulder to elbow bone called the humerus. The teres major is a shoulder-related muscle.

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What is an adduct?

An adduct is the product of an addition reaction - a reaction in which radicals are added to both sides of a double or triple bond.

Muscle that adducts the shoulder and causes extension of the shoulder joint?

The latissimus dorsi, and the trees major, which is known as the " little lat", both adduct, extend, and internally(medially) rotate the shoulder. The long head of the triceps also extend and addicts the shoulder, while also being an elbow extensor

What muscles adduct the arm?

The pectoralis major, teres major, lastissimus dorsi, and the carica adduct and medially, or internally, rotate the humerus.

Does the deltoid muscle act to adduct the arm at the shoulder?

Yes. Deltoid (Delta like.) is the prime mover of arm. It moves shoulder joint in forward, backward and laterally. It is a continuation ofTrapeziusmuscle. It is 'not' mentioned in any anatomy books. But you can verify it. Trapezius is inserted in inner side of clavicle and spine of scapula and from outer side of the same Deltoid muscle starts.

Is the trapezius a flexor or an extensor?

Extensor. It will extend the neck and adduct the scapula.

What is the structure of the adduct of 2 molecules of resorcinol with 1 molecule of furfural?

This process is the identification of carbohydrates. One may draw the structure of the adduct two molecules of resorcinol with 1 molecule of furfural to obtain carbohydrates.