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Hot air rises. That is how a hot air balloon works.

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Q: What does air do to help your heart?
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What do the heart and lungs have in common?

no because the lungs help you breath but the heart helps to get blood in your system

Why do human have heart?

If we didn't have hearts, we wouldn't be alive.

How does oxygen that is in the air get into your blood?

lungs pumps air to the heart and heart pumps air around body through blood

Can swallowing air go into your heart?

No, the air would go into your stomach. There is no direct, outside, airway into your heart.

What internal organ releases carbon dioxide into the air?

There are a number of internal organs that help carbon dioxide to be released into the air. The two lungs are the major players with the heart and circulatory system helping.

How does PE help your heart?

it does help your heart and also it can't but if you know what is best for you you can prevent from having diseases in your heart


None, air in the heart will cause an embolism stopping blood flow.

How does the heart carry air?

the heart does not carry air. the heart pumps blood that travels through the lungs, where the blood becomes enriched with oxygen. that blood returns to the heart, where it is then pumped throughout the body

Does your heart stop when you hiccop?

No, your heart is still beating. When air rushes to your voice box, it causes you to gasp for air (hiccuping).

What does the lungs take from your heart?


Does the heart pump air into your lungs?


Is too much air bad for you?

Actually no air is very good for your lungs and heart. too much air means faster your heart beats which is good the more you will live