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As in all acid-base (alkali) reactions, it will reduce the acidity of the soil and, if there is an excess of base to acid, it can make the soil become alkaline.

The soil will be less acidic if base is less than acidity, become neutral (if base = acidity), or become alkaline if base is greater than acidity.

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1mo ago

An alkali fertilizer can help neutralize an acid soil, increasing its pH and making it more suitable for a wider range of plants to thrive. It can also improve nutrient availability and microbial activity in the soil, promoting healthier plant growth.

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Q: What does an alkali fertilizer do to an acid soil?
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Soil treatment can involve both acid and alkali solutions. Acid treatments are used to lower soil pH for crops that prefer acidic conditions, while alkali treatments are used to raise soil pH for plants that thrive in alkaline environments. The choice between acid or alkali treatment depends on the specific needs of the plants being grown.

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Fertilizers can be acidic, alkaline, or neutral, depending on their composition. Some fertilizers may have acidic components, such as ammonium sulfate, while others may contain alkaline materials, like lime. It's important to check the pH level of a fertilizer before using it on plants to ensure it's suitable for the specific needs of the crops.

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Muriatic acid may simply be poured into soil. However, it may be too acidic for most types of soil, and there are many products that can be used instead.

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Soil fertility can decrease due to factors such as erosion, soil compaction, nutrient depletion, salinization, and excessive pesticide or chemical fertilizer use. These factors can reduce the ability of the soil to support healthy plant growth and agricultural productivity.

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Alkali materials like lime or wood ash help to raise the pH of acidic soil, making it more neutral. This can improve soil structure, enhance nutrient availability, and promote healthier plant growth. Alkali also helps to reduce the toxic effects of aluminum and other elements that can be more available in acidic soils.

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Do fertilisers contain alkali?

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