

What does an elephant eat and drink?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Elephants are herbivores; they eat only plant matter. They like to eat fruits, such as watermelons, bananas, and apples. They also eat many veggies, like carrots, cabbage, and spinach. They even will eat branches and leaves from trees, especially when food is scarce, leaving them with few food options. Lastly, they eat peanuts and other legumes. They have also been seen eating dead carcasses of animals, but that is very, very, rare.
They drink from rivers, streams, lakes, etc. During the dry season and drought, they have to walk for miles and miles each day in search of water when it becomes so scarce. Many elephants die during this time from lack of water, which is why they are constantly on the move looking for water sources.

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The diet of an elephant in the wild consists of grasses, small plants and bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and roots.

Elephants are hunted an killed by man, lion, hyena, and wild dog. No doubt, somewhere in the world, man will eat elephant as a "delicacy"; but lions, hyenas, and wild dog will eat any elephant they can kill.

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What does an elephant drink?


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elephant eat leaves nan dgrass

What helps a African Elephant survive or hide or defend itself?

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