

What does below average means?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What does below average means?
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It means below the expected standard, or below average

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A means excellent on a report card. B means good. C means average. D means below average. F means failure.

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It means: AboveFor example, 'hyperactive' means having an unusually 'above average' level of activity.Contrast with the root word, 'hypo' which means 'below'. As in 'hypothermia', an unusually 'below average' body temperature.

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anything below a 52 means your failing.

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It means that you are one point below average.

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It means that you are a very average student.

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It means of low quality,not good enough, below average

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This means that the item's stats is "below average."

What is grade c in phones?

A 'C' grade means you scored average on that assignment or test. A list of what the various letter grades equal is below. A= Awesome B= Above Average C=Average D= Below Average F=Failure

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Par is taken as an average. Blow par means less than average, or not so good.

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below average iq, iq means Intelligence quotient. an average iq is 85 - 115

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Smaller means Being below the average in size or magnitude.Smallest means the lowest size or magnitude.