

What does black soil have in it?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Lots and lots of rock is inside Black Soil.

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Q: What does black soil have in it?
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the color of black soil is black

Why is the red soil red and black soil black?

bcause the red soil has iron in it & the black soil is formed frm d rock basaltic which is black !

Why the black soil called black?

Type your answer here... Black soil is called black because it is black in colour.

What is the black soil formed from?

Black soil is formed from basaltic rooks

Why is the black land called black land?

It's called black land because black is fertile soil, and fertile soil is black. Soil is the land so it's named black land.

Is black soil loamy?

Loamy soil is usually "black" but not all black soil is loamy. Or for that matter, even good soil at all. If former living things along with rounded dirt particles are what made the soil black, then you could expect that it might be loamy. If the black soil is from the bottom of a swamp, say, it might be nutritious soil for plants, yet not be loamy.

What are the main contents of black soil?

Black soil is a visual classification and the composition of black soils will vary,

Why is black soil called regur soil?

the black soil is called regur soil because- :its enrichment in soil nutrients. :regur is a local name in decan plateau

Why is soil called soil?

It looks black.

Why is the land called the land?

It's called black land because black is fertile soil, and fertile soil is black. Soil is the land so it's named black land.

What type of soil does a black roses need?

Black soil is needed for the growth of roses.