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My dog had a lot of blood in her stools and I found bright red blood on the floor. I called the vet immediately and was told that I should take her to the nearest emergency clinic for animals. They checked her stool and took some blood samples. They told me that she was probably in apoplectic shock, caused by being stung or bitten by an insect. This caused an alergic reaction that caused her to either have problems in her throat or digestive tract. They put her on intravenous liquids and kept her overnight. I then took her to my regular vet who continued the liquids. She was there for three days. Not sure that is really what caused the problem since nothing I have read since then would suggest this. But not being a vet, I am not 100% certain that it wasn't from an allergic reaction.

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Among many things it could be worms. scoop a small sample of the stool into a plastic bag and take it to the vet for testing, also have the dog checked. ASAP

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Bright red blood coming from your stool?

Call your health care provider in the morning, unless the blood is heavy (staining your underwear).

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Arterial Blood is Bright Red

What is bright red blood in stools?

Bright red blood in the stools is a sign of bleeding. The most common cause of bright red blood is hemorrhoids or irritation. Constipation can cause small tears. Dark red blood or large amounts of blood would indicate need to see a doctor.

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Some of the obvious symptoms of Crohn's disease include: diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, fresh bright red in the stool or darker red blood mixed with the stool, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Is Blood is bright blue when it returns to the heart?

Not in a human, no. Oxygenated blood is bright red. Deoxygenated blood is a dark red.

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the blood is bright red because of the oxygen from the air

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Is menstruation blood ever supposed to be bright red?

It is bright maroonish red.

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Red. bright (or blood) red.