

What does bone marrow make?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Yellow marrow stores fat. This is found in long bones in the center. This marrow spot can be changed to red marrow, which would make red blood cells, if the need arose.

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13y ago

Bone Marrow makes Red Blood Cells @ 23billion per second White Blood Cells are made also but in lesser quantities

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12y ago

!he bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.


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14y ago

The primary function of the bone marrow is to produce blood cells.

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15y ago

Red and white blood cells

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What bone marrow is used in a bone marrow transplant?

the purpose of the bone marrow is to make up the bone

What body parts make blood?

your bone marrow

What Purpose does Bone Marrow Serve?

Bone marrow serves to make Red blood cells for the body which is called as erythropoises

What bone marrow is sed in a bone marrow transplant?

Bone marrow is a red compound found at the centre of large bones in the body. It helps the body to make blood cells and have immunity against diseases. A bone marrow donor has a small operation, where a small hole is made in their hip bone. Some bone marrow is removed, under local anaesthetic. This bone marrow is then given to the bone marrow recipient.

What is the part of the bone that makes blood?

The substance that makes red and white blood cells within bone is called the bone marrow. Why does the bone do this? You may as well be asking why your heart beats, or why your lungs make you breathe - instinct. The action of making blood cells is an involuntary action, your body knows that it needs to be done, so it carries out the task; you don't have to tell your bone marrow to make blood cells. Most of the marrow in bones - the whitish creamy marrow - produces white blood cells, whereas longer bones such as the femur and the humerus have red bone marrow, and therefore make red blood cells.

What is the substance in the bone that make the blood cell?

Red bone marrow.

Where white blood cells are produced?

in the bone marrow.

What are the two kind of bone marrow?

There is yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow.

What is the soft part on the bone called?

The innermost part of the bone in called the Bone Marrow or inner bone

What is air filled space in the bone?

It's called 'Bone Marrow' - Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones. In adults, the marrow in the larger bones produces new blood cells.

What is a bone marrow biopsy?

it is a bone that has a marrow in the middle of the musle that causes the bone to have a marrow biopsy

What are bone marrow made up of?

They are not made up of bone marrow, they just have bone marrow in them.