

What does calcification refers too?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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The deposition of calcium salts within a tissue

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Q: What does calcification refers too?
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Can radiation therapy cause lung calcification?

Can radiation therapy cause imflamation and calcification on breast mammeogram? No, it will not cause calcification, it causes something called radiation pneumonitis, its where the lung becomes too inflammed to be useful. I can be seen as a density on xrays but not as a calcification

What is prostate calcification?

Calcification is when there is an accumulation of calcium salts and prostatic refers to the prostate. A CT scan or an ultrasound can be used for diagnosing the condition. Prostate calcification is a "scar" that remains after prostatitis gets cured. Early stage prostate calcification is a fibrosis of prostate. Common it is occur with no symptom. Such a fibrosis may occur in your body but you feel nothing about it. As prostate fibrosis develops, there would be calcification spots. One can try Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to cure this condition.

What is parenchymal calcification?

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What does the medical terminology combining form calc- mean?

Calc- usually refers to calcium, as in calcification or calculus (medical, not math type).

What is calcification of the aorta inferiorly?

calcification of the aorta inferiorly?

What is clacification?

"Clacification" seems to be a misspelling. If you meant "calcification," it refers to the accumulation of calcium salts in body tissues. In medicine, it can occur in various organs like the kidneys, arteries, or breast tissue, leading to potential health issues depending on the location and extent of calcification.

Can punctuate calcification disappear in pancreas?

It is unlikely that the calcification will disappear.

What is the clinical significance of calcification?

There is a great clinical significance of calcification. Calcification can lead to things like kidney stones that are very painful.

What is calcification of the thoracic?

The phrase "calcification of the thoracic" is incomplete. There a missing word after "thoracic."

How to relieve Back pain caused by calcification?

To relieve back pain caused by calcification, you can try over-the-counter pain medications, gentle stretching exercises, and hot or cold therapy. Physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massages may also help alleviate the pain. In severe cases, consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment options.

Can breast calcification damage implants?

The issue is not damage to the implants, but the discomfort that breast calcification can cause when it occurs around an implant. Heavy calcification may require removal of the implant.

What is the medical term meaning calcification of the appendix?

Never heard of calcification of appendix. No such medical term exists