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The church "militant" refers to the visible Christian Church here on earth, as opposed to the church "triumphant" that refers to the invisible Christian Church in Heaven. The church militant is given that name because it does daily battle with the Prince of Darkness (the devil) and his evil forces here on earth.

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The term "Church militant" refers to the members of the Church who are living on Earth and engaged in the spiritual struggle against sin and evil. It contrasts with the "Church triumphant," which comprises the souls of the faithful who have died and are believed to be in Heaven, and the "Church suffering," which refers to the souls in purgatory.

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Why are saints important to the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic Answer:In the Catholic economy the departed saints have not simply ethical significance as patterns of virtuous life, but also religious significance as living and functioning members of the Mystical Body of Christ, who by prayer are in vital contact with the Church militant and suffering. from A Catholic Dictionary 2nd Edition, revised, edited by Donald Attwater. The Church militant is all baptised Christians on earth, the Church Suffering is all souls who have died and are in purgatory. The departed saints are called the Church Triumphant, and are in heaven, where they are more alive now then they were on earth. They are every bit as concerned, if not more about us, then they were when they were here. And, as they are in heaven, and see God face to face, with their wills entirely united to His, they are praying for us constantly. Their lives on earth are an inspiration and a lesson to us in how to lead our lives.

Are saints Catholic?

In the context of Catholicism, saints are individuals who are recognized by the Catholic Church as having lived a life of exemplary faith and virtue. The process of canonization involves thorough investigation of the person's life and miracles attributed to their intercession. The designation of a person as a saint is a formal declaration by the Catholic Church.

What does kchs mean after priest's name?

"KCHS" stands for "Knight Commander of the Holy Sepulchre," an honor bestowed upon members of the Catholic Church who have made significant contributions in their service to the church.

What does ecclesiatical mean?

"Ecclesiastical" refers to things related to the Christian Church or its clergy, teachings, or authority. It commonly refers to matters or structures within the Church.

What does the church quote The True Church can never fail For it is based upon a rock mean?

This quote from the Church means that the true Church, founded on the rock of faith, will withstand challenges and remain strong. It expresses the belief in the endurance and steadfastness of the Church despite obstacles.

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What is militant catholicism?

The members of the Catholic Church are divided into three groups: the Church Militant, the Church Suffering, and the Church Triumphant.The Church Suffering are the deceased members of the Catholic Church who have temporal punishment that needs to be satisfied for before they can enter heaven. They are the Poor Souls in Purgatory (please pray for them because their sufferings can be alleviated by our prayers and sacrifices).The Church Triumphant are the Blessed in Heaven, enjoying the Vision of Almighty God in everlasting happiness.The Church Militant are us Catholics on earth who are still fighting the good fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Our main weapons are Mass, the 7 Sacraments, and the Rosary. This might be what you mean by "militant catholicism".God bless you.Long live Christ the King!

Are saints called the Church?

There are three levels that make up the Church: The Church Militant - all those on earth who struggle against sin The Church Expectant - all those undergoing penance in Purgatory The Church Triumphant - all those now residing in Heaven

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There are plenty of militant racist churchgoers. I'm sure they do their bit to attack people who are different.

When was The Militant created?

The Militant was created in 1928.

What rhymes with militant?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word militant.

What does militant mean?

There are many ways that the word "militant" could be used in a sentence. One example is: The religious militants broke through the gate and stormed the embassy, killing bystanders and taking hostages once they were inside."

When was Militant labor created?

Militant Labour was created in 1990.

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Militant Labour ended in 1997.

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Le Militant was created in 1970.

When was Militant Group created?

Militant Group was created in 1935.

When was Pvt Militant born?

Pvt Militant was born in 1968.

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Militant Group ended in 1938.