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It makes your heart beat faster like an adrenaline rush. I don't recommend it.

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it tastes bitter yet the effects are delicious

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Q: What does cocaine feel like?
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Can cocaine be dissolved in a hot drink given to a person and the person not know that she was drinking the coffee with cocaine in it?

Cocaine will numb your mouth. The smaller the amount that was in, the less your tongue will feel numb. If there is a lot it in, your tongue will feel really numb. Also it has a very distinct taste, but you may not notice it so much if there isn't much mixed into the coffee. You probably wouldn't notice the effects of cocaine because it was mixed in coffee. Cocaine is like coffee times 10 even in smaller amounts. You would feel a huge surge of energy, like you want to clean house, and then feel really nervous, like you're being watched and they're out to get you. You would also have trouble falling asleep even though you will feel tired after quite some time.

How long does a cocaine based ecstasy pill stay in your system?

Cocaine and MDMA both stay in the system for about 3 to 7 days. If you are referring to the effects, you would start to feel the cocaine shortly after ingesting the pill, and as you are coming down from the cocaine, you would likely begin to feel the MDMA. Cocaine and MDMA both stay in the system for about 3 to 7 days. If you are referring to the effects, you would start to feel the cocaine shortly after ingesting the pill, and as you are coming down from the cocaine, you would likely begin to feel the MDMA.

How are senses affected by cocaine?

it puts u on edge. your senses are sharper and u feel like u can do anything

How does it feel to be high on cocaine?

It feels fantastico

Is cocaine a drug of dependence?

not really but the high it gets you on needs to be constant otherwise u wont feel happy if you are not on cocaine

Show me a picture of what 6 grams of crack cocaine look like?

IS cocaine like crack

Why do people continue using cocaine even after it starts to harm them?

Because it is a highly addictive drug. Although cocaine is not physically addictive (meaning, there are no physical withdrawal symptoms, like there are with alcohol and heroin), it is extremely psychologically addictive. Cocaine works by disrupting the brain's natural dopamine recycling process. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for producing feelings of pleasure. Cocaine disrupts the dopamine recycling process, which leads to a buildup of dopamine (and a feeling of intense euphoria). Unfortunately, the intense euphoria that comes from a line of cocaine only lasts about 20 minutes. And then you start craving more of it. When you finally run out of cocaine, after about 20 to 30 minutes, horrible feelings of depression and anxiety set in. This is called a "comedown." Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that you will never, ever feel as bad as you do during a cocaine comedown. You loathe yourself so much, you just want to kill yourself. The feelings of sadness and despair are unbearable; you can't stand being awake, but you can't sleep (because cocaine is a powerful stimulant). And the more cocaine you have done, the worse the comedown will be when you stop. And a cocaine comedown lasts for awhile. The worst part lasts about 18 to 24 hours, but you don't feel completely well again for at least a few days. This is how people get addicted to cocaine. They feel very depressed after doing cocaine, and the only way they can feel well again is to 1) stop doing it for a long time (like, a few months) until their brain chemistry returns to normal, or 2) do more of it. More often than not, they choose the latter (to do more of it). It becomes a vicious cycle: after a cocaine high, the person feels so awful, that all they can think about is getting more cocaine. But the more cocaine they do, the worse they feel. And the worse they feel, the more cocaine they do.

What does burning cocaine smell like?

like burning cocaine, depending on what nastiness it may have been "cut" with.

Does a person on cocaine see things too?

Not really. Cocaine is not hallucinogenic. It makes you feel confident and more out spoken. You will become more talkative and feel greater empathy with the people, especially those using, around you. You always want more, even if you are not addicted, you would always do another line. It makes you feel like you are having a great time, even though you may realise, through the veil of cocaine, that you are not. The last thing that will happen is hallucinations. A runny nose, disturbed sleep, a nose that feels like it's been super glued together, maybe.

What does cocaine smell like when burned?

Similar to burnt plastic. On its own, cocaine has no smell. Cocaine is ineffective when burned, as it is to be inhaled.