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fold mountains form

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Fold mountains form.

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Q: What does compression do to rock layers?
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What results from compression between rock layers?

it forms a sedimentary rock

What term that describes the bending of rock layers due to compression?

read it on a book:)HAHAHAHA

What is it called when plates slowly ram into each other and form bended rock layers?


How can a compression crumble layers of a rock?

The compressional stress can overcome the strength of the cementing material, or fracture the bonds between the crystalline structure of the rock.

What is a dark sedimentary rock formed by compression of layers of clay-rich sediment?

Shale is made from layers of mud and clay pressed together. :)

What happens when compression force are exerted on layer rock?

They deform, first elastically then plastically.

What produces anticlines and synclines?

Anticlines are produced by tectonic compression, where rocks are squeezed together and forced to bend upwards. Synclines are formed when rocks are compressed and bent downwards. Both features are common in fold mountain ranges and areas undergoing tectonic plate movements.

What is a type of fold where the layers of rock bend downwards to form a inverted U?

An anticline is a type of fold where the layers of rock bend downwards to form an inverted U shape. This fold represents an upward convex fold in rock layers and is characterized by older rocks in the center and younger rocks on the sides.

Why are layers of rocks different thicknesses?

The layers of rock are different thicknesses because of the way the sediments are formed and squashed together

Sedimentary rock made from layers of dead plans is called?

Sedimentary rock made from layers of dead plants is called coal. It forms from the compression of plant material over millions of years.

Are Aquifers rock layers?

Aquifers are permeable layers of rock that have non permeable layers of rock under them so water remains in the permeable layers

What is a smooth stone with layers called?

The most common smooth stone with layers is sandstone, The differently colored layers are caused as different layers of sediment build up. The Painted Dessert is one of the most spectacular examples of sandstone layers.