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Q: What does continuous process mean?
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What is a continuous process?

What is a continuous process

What does continuous process mean in crude oil?

It is continous and doesn't stop.

A continuous process of change?

A continuous of change

What is the definition of continuous process industry?

A continuous process industry is a type of manufacturing process that produces goods without interruption. This involves a continuous flow of raw materials through various stages of production, often resulting in a constant output of products. Industries such as oil refining, chemical production, and power generation are examples of continuous process industries.

What chemicals are made by continuous process?

almost all of the chemicals are made by continuous process.

What is continuous process improvement?

Continuous production is a flow production method used to manufacture, produce, or process materials without interruption. Continuous production is called a continuous process or a continuous flow process because the materials, either dry bulk or fluids that are being processed are continuously in motion, undergoing chemical reactions or subject to mechanical or heat treatment. Continuous processing is contrasted with batch production.

What is the difference between continuous distillation and batch distillation in chamistry?

sponge iron production is continuous process sponge iron production is continuous process

What crm process requres a cycle of continuous assesment until benefits of completing mission?

The decision making process of the CRM process requires a cycle of continuous assessment until the benefits of completing mission. The evaluation process is another process that requires a cycle of continuous assessment.

What is continuous production process?


What does continuous compounding mean?

Continuous compounding is the process of calculating interest and adding it to existing principal and interest at infinitely short time intervals. When interest is added to the principal, compound interest arise.

Why is guidance a continuous process?

continuous process because it is a cycle; contious..guidance is a way of learning and learning has no expiration as long as we live..

What is process improvement?

Continuous production is a flow production method used to manufacture, produce, or process materials without interruption. Continuous production is called a continuous process or a continuous flow process because the materials, either dry bulk or fluids that are being processed are continuously in motion, undergoing chemical reactions or subject to mechanical or heat treatment. Continuous processing is contrasted with batch production.