

What does displace mean in physics?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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6y ago

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It means move or relocate.

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2mo ago

In physics, "displace" means to move an object from one position to another. It is a vector quantity that describes the change in position of an object, usually measured in terms of distance and direction. The displacement of an object can be positive, negative, or zero depending on the direction of the movement.

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Q: What does displace mean in physics?
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Does displace mean replace?

No. They are different. Replace - You "replace" the batteries in a flashlight. The fit in the same place and do the same thing (function). If you were to "replace" a broken toaster it may not be the same shape or size but it would still have the same function. Displace - If you filled a glass full to the top with water and then decided to add ice, water would spill over the top of the glass. The ice "displaced" an equal amount of water. (Two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time.)

Do the laws of physics imply free will?

The laws of physics describe how matter and energy interact, but they do not directly address the concept of free will. Free will involves the ability to make choices and decisions independently of deterministic physical processes. The relationship between free will and the laws of physics is a philosophical and metaphysical question that remains open to interpretation.

What does eph mean in physics?

In physics, "eph" does not have a widely recognized or standard meaning. It is possible that it could be a typo or an abbreviation specific to a certain context or school.

What does it mean to move into something else's location by pushing it aside?

That means you are displacing the object and taking its place by physically pushing it to the side.

Which ship displaces more water 1 loaded with a cargo of corks which float or a empty one?

The ship loaded with a cargo of corks will displace more water because the weight of the corks adds to the overall weight of the ship, causing it to sink further into the water and displace more volume. The ship with no cargo will displace less water as it is lighter and sits higher in the water.

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Is divine is an antonym for displace?

No, divine is not an antonym for displace. Divine means relating to or coming from God or a god, while displace means to take the place of someone or something. An antonym for displace could be keep in place or retain.