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a infected hair on an elephants butt. But now it can mean friend...

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Q: What does dude really mean?
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dude, i really have no clue what your on about!

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what is the 4D mean dude really really really really really really really really really? 4D

What does look at that dude farting all up in that guys face mean?

It means that dude is farting all up in another dudes face and it stinks really bad!

What does dudette really mean?

The word dudette - is simply the feminine form of the masculine slang word dude.

What does dude holy holy mean?

That phrase cannot really be understood without knowing the context in which it appears.

Does dude mean a hairy dude?

Well, it's not always a hairy dude, but some are.

What dose a dude mean?

Dude is a pimple on an elephants butt.

What does dude mean in slang?

dude normally means a guyfriend or a surfer/skateboarder...Or, "dude stop it" could also mean ur close friend.

Why does Shigeru Miyamoto's signature have a pair of boobies in it?

Dude really? What make you think that it is a pair? I mean really. Its just the OTO in Shigeru MiyamOTO. Just to make it fancy!

How do you use dude as an adjective?

"Dude" is more commonly used as a noun to refer to a person. However, it can be informally used as an adjective to emphasize intensity, usually expressing a strong emotion or feeling. For example, "That was a dude move" could mean "That was a really bold or strong move."

What does it mean when a dude holds a girls hand?

Depends. If she's/he's high or drunk, forget it. It doesn't mean anything. If she/he really means, you may be onto something.

How big is Gilbert?

Really really big. like huge dude.