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Translation: The accent

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Q: What does el acento mean in spanish?
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What is acento?

the answer to what is acento is accent its the mark above a letter in spanish

What is 'Dónde tiene inglés el acento' when translated from Spanish to English?

"Where does English have the accent?" is an English equivalent of the Spanish phrase ¿Dónde tiene inglés el acento? The question refers either to syllable stress in pronunciation or, in the case of loan words, the accent mark. The pronunciation will be "DON-dey TYEH-ney een-GLEY-seh-la-SEN-to" in Uruguayan Spanish.

What is the accent mark above letters in spanish called?

Acento. á would be said as "a con acento."

How do you say the second day in spanish?

El segundo día. *La palabra "DÍA" lleva un acento bien definido en la letra i.

How do you say Andrew in Spanish?

it is spelled Andres with no acento on the e

Diem en la frase de horacio ''carpe diem'' Tiene acento en la e o en la i?

El acento en "carpe diem" va en la "e". La expresión latina significa "aprovecha el día" o "disfruta el momento".

What is the accent mark called in Spanish?

The correct word is "tilde" but manu people call it "acento". The difference is that "acento" is only phonetic, not graphic.

What does Se escribe con you con acento mean in English?

Se escribe con you con acento

What is the thing on an I in spanish called?

punto (i)acento o tilde (í)

What doed Que hueva con esta lady y su acento forzado mean?

he words que hueva con esta lady y su acento forzado means my fair lady in English. This was written in Spanish.

What does cuantos pupitres mean in spanish?

Sin acento en cuantos como está escrito (without accent on "cuantos"):The number of chairs.

How do you say your accent makes my ears hurt in spanish?

Su / tu / vuestra forma de hablar (*acento) me revienta los oídos.*With "acento" use "vuestro"