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Allows the reader's to see the past

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Q: What does flashblack allow a writer to do?
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What will be the answer of this ...The writer said what will happen after that?

The writer asked what it would happen after that.

When did Harvey Bullock - writer - die?

Colin Harvey - writer - died on 2011-08-15.

When did Elizabeth Brooke - writer - die?

Elizabeth Brooke - writer - died in 1683.

When was Jim Taylor - writer - born?

Jim Taylor - writer - was born in 1963.

When was Robert Henderson - writer - born?

Robert Henderson - writer - was born in 1947.

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What does flashblack mean?

to think back in the old days to think about what you did and to go back and see what u did in the past

What does flashback allow a writer to do?

Juxtapose elements separated by time and space

What does flash back allow a writer to do?

juxtapose elments seperated by time and space

What do critical perspectives allow readers to do?

question what a writer says about a certain topic

What is c d writer?

CD writer = CD burner, is a computer drive that allow you to storage(burn/write) stuff on a CD or DVD disc

What is a CD writer?

A CD writer is a computer device that writes to ('burns") CDs.

How famous is writer Douglas Ford?

Writer, Douglas Ford has worked in the UK, Europe, Canada and the US. He is said to be one the world's most renowned writers. However, he is private and does not allow interviews.

What does dramatic function mean?

Dramatic devices are element's of the play which allow the writer to build up tension or other intended effects.

Paragraph blocks are especially useful in problem-and-solution essays because they allow a writer to?

explain a problem at length and identify components to a solution

What does a personal statement allow the writer to share that wouldn't necessarily appear on a standard from or one resume?

Personal information, such as goals, hopes and dreams

What does using indirect quotations allow a writer to do?

Using indirect quotations allows a writer to convey information or ideas from a source without repeating the exact words. This allows the writer to maintain their own writing style and voice while still integrating outside sources. It also helps to avoid potential issues with plagiarism.

Why is copyright exclusive to the writer?

Because he or she created the protected materials: it is their intellectual property. They also, however, retain the rights to allow others to use the materials.