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Float Balance means the amount of funds represented by checks that have been issued but not yet collected.

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Q: What does float balance mean on a earning statement?
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Reginald's credit card statement states that his balance is 550 What does the term balance mean?

The 'balance' of his statement is the monetary value of his account with the credit card company. In this case it is the amount he owes the company.

1 What do you mean by financial statement and what are things involved in that?

A financial statement is a combination of Net income statement, Balance sheet, a cash flow statement and owners equity statement of a specified period. It indicates the current position of the company.

What does it mean to balance or reconcile your account?

It means to make sure the numbers the bank statement has matches the numbers you have.

What does it mean when you have no balance?

A person that has no balance can have one of two things. The first refers to a bank statement or credit card statement in which an individual has paid off any fees owed. This term can also refer to someone that has a balance disorder in which someone is uneasy on their feet and has difficulty walking or standing.

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FERS stands for Federal Employees Retirement System. The cumulative retirement amount on your leave and earning statement reflects the total contributions made to your retirement account over time. This includes both your own contributions and any matching contributions made by your employer.

What does FERS cumulative retirement mean on your leave and earning statement?

FERS cumulative retirement on your leave and earning statement refers to the amount of money you have contributed to your Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) account over time. This cumulative amount is the total of all your contributions towards your retirement savings while being a participant in the FERS program.

What does D mean on a bank statement?

There will usually be a letter next to your bank account's balance. This will either be "C" (Credit) or "D" (Debit). A D next to your balance means you're in overdraft.

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Floating, or buoyancy, depends on the density of the liquid and the density of the object. Water is a pretty dense liquid, and things float in it; they are buoyant. Oil or gasoline are less dense; things that float in water may not float in oil.

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What does a minus balance on acredit card mean?

If your credit (not debit) card has a negative balance on your statement, then there is an overpayment (you paid more than you owe). So now they owe you money. This is usually applied towards future charges.

What do you mean by funds flow analysis.explain the mechanism involved in preparation of funds flow statement?

It is the statement of change in financial position, prepared to determine only source and uses of working capital between date of to balance sheet.

What does balance mean in math?

Balance can mean a couple of things.Balancing an equation; i.e. Performing the same operation on one side of an equation as you did on the other. (Subtract 12 from one side, subtract 12 from the other)Balancing a checkbook; i.e. Checking your bank statement against the value of your account. (i.e. Your bank statement says you spent $450.00, your checkbook says you spent $450.00)