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Energy Flow is the movement of energy, which originally comes from the sun, from one organism to another.

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Q: What does flow of energy mean?
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What does to allow energy of electricity to flow mean?

It means that you let an electrical current flow. The current will, of course, carry energy.

What does energy flow mean?

Energy flow is the movement of energy from one place to another. This movement occurs at different speeds through different mediums.

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What is flow of energy?

Energy flow refers to the transfer of physical energy from one place to another. This often involves the flow of fluid.

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What is an example of energy flow?

Tide = Flow of kinetic energy from higher ground to lower ground Wind = Flow of kinetic energy from higher pressure to lower pressure Electricity = Flow of electrical energy (transfer of kinetic energy) from higher voltage to ground or low voltage.

What is the most important flow of energy for Earth?

The most important flow of energy is the conversion of light energy to chemical energy in photosynthesis.

How flow of energy is different from flow of materials?

The flow of energy occurs from the sun in photosynthetic organisms. Another examples is a food chain with the flow of energy from through organisms from a producer. The flow of materials describes the movement of materials or components.

What is attenuation mean?

A reduction in the strength of a signal, the flow of current, flux, or other energy in an electronic system.

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