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Q: What does gB stand for in fantasy football standings?
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What does GB mean in fantasy football stats?

GB stands for the Green Bay Packers. They are an NFL team with big point scorers such as Aaron Rodgers, and Greg Jennings.

What does GB mean in standings?

GB stands for the Green Bay Packers. They are an NFL team with big point scorers such as Aaron Rodgers, and Greg Jennings.

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1.3 gb

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GB=Great Britain

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Ryan Gigss

What do GB stand?

Gigabyte. its the measurement of the memory size of a storage device :)

What does the GB stand for?

It stands for "Game Boy"

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to beat him use chaos sharo, then when your GB is filled up,use it

What do the letters gb on a car stand for?

Great Britain

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Guard Break

What do the letters UK and GB stand for?

UK = United Kingdom. GB = Great Britain.