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..Well that's normal unless there is pain involved, when you wake up, go to the bathroom, and your urine is lets say dark yellow/orange but clear. That's normal because when you're asleep mineral/calcium/protein settle in your body so when you wake up and it's dark. If you eat a lot of meat or go to a gym and mix protein powder with water that may also cause it. if it worries you a lot try to drink a lot of water or try cranberry juice (good for urinary tract health) and if you've never tried cranberry juice I like Oceanspray it's bitter, or you i think the brand is called longhorn or apples and eve they are sweetend. If you are feeling pain on your left and right sides of your lower ribs there could be a possible kidney infection. I advise you see a doctor for a second opinion, good luck.

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16y ago

No, but if it just showed up after a large meal, get retested before you assume the worst.

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Q: What does having protein in your urine mean?
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Is protein in normal urine?

Protein should not be found in the urine. Cause it may mean that your kidney is having a problem with its filtering of substances like protein and BUN.

Can having your period cause high protein levels in urine test?

Having your period can cause high protein levels in a urine test. Protein in the urine can also be caused by infection.

What does it mean to have protein in your urine?

To recieved more carotain of my body

What does blood and protein in a urine sample mean?

Kidney problems maybe

What does a protein level of 3 mean?

A protein level of 3 could refer to different units of measurement (e.g. g/dL, mg/dL). It's important to know the reference range and units used by the lab to interpret the result accurately. Generally, a protein level of 3 might be within the normal range for total protein in the blood, but always consult a healthcare provider for an accurate interpretation based on individual health factors.

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What does it mean when you have protein in your urine?

it means that you have aborbe so much protein ur body ge ts rid of it by you urinating

Does urine have more protein than protein shakes?

Urine should certainly not contain more protein in it than a protein shake. If there are too high levels of protein in the urine, it is known as proteinuria.

What does it mean if you have positive protein in your urine?

Having positive protein in your urine can indicate various conditions such as kidney disease, urinary tract infection, or dehydration. It is important to follow up with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.

Does bright urine mean you are having a boy?

not really it depends on.

How do you calculate protein amount in 24 hr urine?

urine protein X 24 hr urine volume/ 100

If a urine test shows both blood and protein present what does this mean?

Presence of blood and protein in urine may indicate potential kidney damage or disease. Blood in urine (hematuria) can be due to various reasons such as infection, kidney stones, or inflammation. Protein in urine (proteinuria) may suggest issues with the kidneys' ability to filter waste properly. Further evaluation by a healthcare provider is recommended to determine the underlying cause.