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Q: What does imax three d look like?
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Do you have to wear 3-d glasses for imax?

You'll only need to wear 3-D Glasses for IMAX 3-D movies. Movies that are just IMAX will not be in 3-D.

Difference between imax dome and imax flat sceen?

An IMAX dome screen will surround a visitor in the picture, while a flat screen is typically like a large version of a normal movie screen. Note that IMAX 3-D can only be shown on IMAX flat screens, not domed screens because the image will be distorted on domed screens.

When Did They Invent IMAX 3D?

November 2004 was the first IMAX 3-D Movie, which was The Polar Express.

Are they going to give Harry Potter-6 on 3 D on every theater or only on imax theaters?

only IMAX

What is an IMAX 3D movie?

A 3-D IMAX film is just like any other 3-D movie except that it is on a huge screen. The screen is so big that it completely occupies the front of the theater. You put on a pair of 3-D glasses, and watch the movie as if it was in real life, or the third dimension.

Is avatar in 3-D good?

Avatar in 3-D is ohk, but IMAX 3-D is much better

When is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs coming to theaters?

Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs Is already In theatres Silly ( I Went To See It In Imax Regular 3-D When It Says Pt On Your 3-D Glasses the 3-D Glasses On The Screen Look So Cool) BTW A Girl I Really Like Has Also Seen It.

Is monsters vs aliens better in real d 3d or IMAX 3d?

It doesn't really matter but Imax has better audio quality? __________________________________________________________________ It will depend whether or not the IMAX movie is an actual IMAX movie, projected from horizontal 70mm film, or just a 35mm or digital projection blown up to the IMAX screen size. Most of the IMAX 3D blockbuster movies you see (Harry Potter, Tron etc.) are not shot with IMAX cameras. Some movies, such as The Dark Knight, mix scenes shot with IMAX cameras with 35mm cameras. The larger film stock (4 times the size of a standard film frame) allows much greater detail, and will look better as a 3D movie as well. The sound is digital disc playback, and usually has the same quality as other 35mm movies. When IMAX was first introduced, it had much better sound quality than other movies houses, but now most theaters have the same quality sound.

What does a d sharp look like?

it is in the same place as d but has a #

What do walking sticks look like?

they look like sticks with feet :D

What is the difference between real 3d and imax 3d?

1) They are owned by different companies. Real3D is a company unto itself; Imax 3D is of course owned by Imax. Real3D can be retrofitted to any modern theatre; Imax 3D as far as I know is only meant to be used in Imax theatres. 2) They use a slightly different technique to achieve the 3D effect. Both use differential polarization: they show two pictures on top of each other, each one represents one "eye". The 3D glasses lenses are polarized differently, so the right lense filters out the left picture, and the left lens filters the right picture. However, the polarization technique itself is different. I believe that Imax 3D uses what is called "rotational polarization" whereas Real3D uses something else. 3) From experience, I find Real3D to result in better colour and crisper images, but not as much depth as Imax 3D. Imax 3D sometimes has overlapped images, but of course it must work in a much bigger theatre.

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