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Q: What does is mean to believe in multiple gods?
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What did the Huns believe?

In multiple gods.

Are there still people who believe in the Egyptian Gods?

just because people in Egypt believe in them doesn't mean people from other countries don't. like me, when i wrote this i was 12, in ENGLAND. believe wat you want to, doesn't matter on the country. either one god, multiple gods, or again multiple gods but one behind everything.

What does the word poletheism mean?

belief in multiple gods

What does polytheiatic mean?

If you mean polytheistic, then it is the belief in multiple gods existing in a pantheon. Such as the gods of the ancient Greeks or Romans.

What is it called when people believe in multiple gods?

A person who believes in lots of gods would be called a polytheist.

What god is the god that believed in only one god?

First off, your question is a little bit odd -- gods didn't believe in gods, they were gods. It's like saying that you don't believe in humans. Now, if you mean what was it called when someone believed in only one god, that's called monotheism. Believing in multiple gods is called polytheism.

Did hellenistic people believe in multiple gods?

Yes the Greek people had a large pantheon of deities.

What are the gods that the Hindu people believe in?

Some believe in certain gods, some believe in other gods, some believe in no gods, some believe in all the gods.

What gods do the Hindu 's people believe in?

Some believe in certain gods, some believe in other gods, some believe in all the gods, some believe in no gods.

What does it mean to not believe in the devil or god?

It means you are an atheist. An atheist is someone who does not believe in devils or gods.

What is does your mean?

It simply means you lack a convincing believe in a god or gods.

Did Egyptians believe in one god or many gods?

Egyptians believed in multiple gods until around 200 CE when they began to become monotheist Christians.