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Q: What does it cost to drive in hov lanes?
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You can drive in specially marked HOV lanes?

If you have the designated number of passengers in your vehicle or a special DMV HOV decal.

You may be permitted to drive in lanes if your vehicle has two or more occupants?

High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes.

An HOV lane is marked with what?

HOV lanes are indicated by diamonds on pavement and on road signs; sometimes the lanes are called "diamond lanes."

What is are not a common consideration in rural wilderness driving?


Can you park in the hov lanes?

No, you cannot.

Can a school bus drive in the HOV lane?

Yes, they are a multi-passenger vehicle. . This is incorrect. In California it is a violation to drive a school bus in an HOV lane whether loaded or unloaded. Per the vehicle code, only paratransit, or mass transit buses can drive in the HOV lanes VC section 21655.5

Who are permited in California permitted to use HOV lanes?

Depending on the location, HOV lanes (also known as "car pool lanes") require two or three occupants. Watch for the signs. If you have a special sticker, your hybrid or alternative-fuel vehicle may be used alone in an HOV lane.

Are not a common consideration in rural wilderness driving?

HOV lanes

Is are not a common consideration in rural wilderness driving?

HOV lanes

Many states encourage by including special lanes for vehicles carrying only three of more people?

CarpoolingAdded: Commonly referred to as HOV lanes (HOV = High Occupancy Vehicle)

HOV lanes are reserved for?

High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV), meaning in the US, vehicles that have a driver plus one or more passengers.

What do the letters HOV stand for in Arizona freeway lanes?

High Occupancy Vehicle