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Well, the first day of your last period. So it is 4th December today and you finished your period of 15th November and it had started on 10th November, then the first day of the last menstrual period would be 10th November

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Q: What does it mean by first day of last menstrual period?
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Do you begin to ovulate the last day of you menstrual cycle or after the last day of your menstrual cycle?

You don't ovulate on the last day or the day after the last day of your menstrual cycle.The last day of your menstrual cycle is the day before your period - the first day of your period is day one of your menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs two weeks before menstruation, if you had a 28 day cycle that would mean you would ovulate around day 14 of your menstrual cycle.Unless you use fertility awareness method you can't tell when you are fertile or ovulating.

What does it mean when your menstrual period ends early?

It is normal.Because the layer of the endometrium formed, before shedding off, may be thinner than last time. Although, if the menstrual period keeps on endng early everytime,compared to the last time, may be you need to get check up

If you are 2 weeks pregnant does that mean the sperm entered two weeks prior?

Not necessarily. You determine how far along you are based on the first day of your last menstrual period (which is considered day 1 of week 1). For example, if the first day of your last period was January 1, you would be 2 weeks along on January 15.

What does it mean when you get your period twice in one month after taking plan b but the next month no period?

Your menstrual cycle basically reset after you took the Plan B. Wait a month from your last period, not from your normal cycle.

What does it mean if your period came on the 28 last month but the 31 the next month?

It means your period came at different times of the month, nothing more mystifying than that - when your period is due isn't determined by the date on the caldendar, it is determined by your menstrual cycle.

Does LMP always mean pregnancy?

LMP stands for the date of your Last Menstrual Period. It is used to determine an estimated due date but can be used in basic medical records also

What does a bright red period mean?

The color of menstrual flow has almost no medical significance.

What are safe days in the menstrual period?

The menstrual period is the time in which you are menstruating, I think that you mean your menstrual cycle. Safe days are days you can have sex without getting pregnant, you can only know these days if you were using fertility awareness method as a form of birth control.

Can you go tanning while on your menstrual cycle?

Menstrual cycle is your reproductive cycle, if you are a healthy fertile woman then you're always on your menstrual cycle - I think that you mean during your period. Yes, you can go tanning while on your period, there's nothing that you can't do while menstruating.

What does it mean when you miss your menstrual period for 8 months?

you might be preggers. sorry :[ talk to your doctor about it