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It means they freaked out, caused a racket, or pitched a fit at that person.

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Q: What does it mean for a person to spaz out on someone?
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What does it mean to call someone a spaz?

That your really crazy and act drunk or natural acts.

What is a spaz?

a spaz is a crazy and clumsy person :) It is shortened from "spastic." A spaz is a clumsy person who trips over his /her own feet.

What does it mean for a person to spaz out at somebody?

* 'Spaz' is slang for a person that can be accident prone, but it's a word that should be avoided as it is a derivative of the word 'spastic' referring to an individual that could have seizures, etc.

What is does spaz mean?

It is a very offensive shortened word for spastic which means a disabled person.

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Cuz she is a SPAZ and a crazy spaz to even more spazy then Christian

What does spaz attack mean?

Spaz attack means suddenly running then suddenly stopping as well.

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it means spaz

What is a spaz attack?

A Spaz Attack is when someone is Physically out of control and just freaking out. Spaz Attack is slang for Muscle Spasm. Muscle Spasms are uncontrollable in physically handicapped people when the brain is not able to control the muscles.

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yeah its slang for 'spastic' or 'spaz' in england

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a mammoth is the largest species of mammals and hi i am a person what are you? you are a spaz

How do you stop a spaz attack?

calm the person down or call the anbulance in case there not controlled

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If someone says that they validate you as a person, they mean that they consider you to be a worthwhile person.