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I think that maybe he thinks he's making you feel uncomfortable so he stops.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy puts his arm around you then stops because you are looking at him?
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If she glances at you it may mean she likes you. Well she just stoped looking at you,because she just dosen't want her friend to know.

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It doesnt usually mean much i do that sometimes then i stop and think and just stare....then i notice im staring at someone, but if its a friend....give em the finger aha

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If you notice it happen more than 2-3 times then he probably has some attraction to you ;)

If a boy stops to stare at you does he like you?

he might......or it could mean that he's jsut thinking and he happens to be looking at you or it could mean that you had something on your shirt.....either one

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this could mean allot of things like he likes you or hes trying to get your attention but NEVER jump to conclusions he could just be looking around or looking at some one around you and if he waves at you make sure non of his friends are around because he could just be waving at them trust me its really embarrassing hope this helps

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because it stops the advancement of science. I mean it did stop us 1000 from advancing in science

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He might be talking about you in a good way or bad

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just don't stair back cause that will make them hate you more. when a guy stops looking at you he is not interested in you anymore and maybe you did something that he didn't like and he told his mates!!•♥....