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When an object is charged by induction, it means that the object becomes polarized or temporarily charged in response to the presence of a charged object nearby, without direct contact. This occurs because the charges in the object rearrange themselves in response to the nearby charged object, leading to an imbalance of charges.

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Q: What does it mean if an object is charged by induction?
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Can objects become charged by induction?

Yes, objects can become charged by induction. When a charged object is brought near a neutral object, the charges in the neutral object rearrange, causing one side to become oppositely charged. This process is known as induction, and it can result in the neutral object becoming charged temporarily.

What is rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object?

The rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object is known as electrostatic induction. This occurs when a charged object is brought near the uncharged object, causing the electrons in the uncharged object to redistribute and create regions of positive and negative charge without physical contact.

When an isolated object becomes charged by induction describe the net charge on the object?

When an isolated object becomes charged by induction, the net charge on the object remains zero. This is because the charge is redistributed within the object but the total amount of charge does not change.

What Charges an object by placing another charged object near it?

Induction is the process where an object becomes charged by placing another charged object near it. When a charged object is brought close to a neutral object, the charges in the neutral object redistribute, causing it to become charged.

What happens to an object charged by induction?

When an object is charged by induction, it becomes polarized due to the redistribution of charges. The object does not gain or lose a net charge, but develops regions of positive and negative charge. If the inducing object is removed, the polarization disappears.

Related questions

How can an object electrostatically charged?

An object can be electrostatically charged by friction, contact or induction.

What can happen when an charged object can be brought near an charged object?

Induction happens

Can objects become charged by induction?

Yes, objects can become charged by induction. When a charged object is brought near a neutral object, the charges in the neutral object rearrange, causing one side to become oppositely charged. This process is known as induction, and it can result in the neutral object becoming charged temporarily.

How can an object be electrostatically?

An object can be electrostatically charged by friction, contact or induction.

What is charge by induction?

Charging by Induction is a method of charging a neutral object, using a charged object, without establishing physical contact between them. _______________________________________________________________________ When a charged object induces a charge on another object without touching it.

Induction is a process of defusing a charged object?


What is rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object?

The rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object is known as electrostatic induction. This occurs when a charged object is brought near the uncharged object, causing the electrons in the uncharged object to redistribute and create regions of positive and negative charge without physical contact.

What is that charging a neutral object by bringing it close to a charging object?

Charging a neutral object by bringing it close to a charged object is known as charging by induction. When a charged object is brought near a neutral object, the charges in the neutral object are rearranged, causing one side to become oppositely charged to the charged object, resulting in an overall charge on the neutral object.

When an isolated object becomes charged by induction describe the net charge on the object?

When an isolated object becomes charged by induction, the net charge on the object remains zero. This is because the charge is redistributed within the object but the total amount of charge does not change.

What is a rearrangement of electrons on a uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object?


What is the rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with the charged object?


What is a rearrangement of a electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with the charged object?
