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It means that heat is transferred fairly fast through it. (A metal bar is a good conductor of heat, while wood is not).

For example, you will not be able to touch a metal bar whose one end is in a blazing fire. While you can easily hold a torch of which one side is burning.

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Q: What does it mean if something is a conductor of heat?
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If something is conductor of heat does it lose heat fast or slow-?

If something is a good conductor of heat then it will lose heat slowly. If something is a poor conductor of heat it will lose heat quickly.

What does the term conductor mean?

Something which allows the passage of a form of energy such as heat or electricity.

If something is conductor of heat does it lose heat fast or slow?

If something is a good conductor of heat, it heats up faster and loses heat at a slower rate.

Is heat a conductor?

No, it is not. Heat is something that gets conducted, not a conductor. Heat transfers through objects and mediums so no it is not.

What the term conductor mean and privid an example?

something that transmits energy, usually heat or electricity Example Copper is an excellent electrical conductor.

How might you determine is it a conductor or insulator?

A conductor is when heat can pass through it. An insulator is something that heat does not pass through.

What it meant by good conductor?

.Something that carries something better than average. For example, copper is a good conductor of electricity. Iron is a good conductor of heat.

Is good heat conductor a metal?

If you mean, is metal a good conductor of heat, yes. That is one of the characteristics of a metal.

What is something that does not transmit heat well called?

A non-conductor

What causes something to be a conductor?

It can't be caused. A good conductor is something like a metal, the best conductor of heat is gold. If you have ever touched metal that has been in the sun, it's really hot because it is a good conductor of heat. A bad conductor is something like wood because it doesn't get hot. We can't tell it wood has been in the sun for a while.

What does the science word conductor mean?

Conductor means something that conducts or allows to pass through itself. for eg. plastic is a bad conductor of heat. now that means heat won't pass through plastic but it would certainly burn. But on the contrary, metal like aluminium would let heat pass through itself without burning itself as a result, we say that aluminium is a good conductor of heat.

Is something that have been hammered into a sheet a good conductor of heat?

If you hammer something into a sheet it isn't a good conductor of heat because it's making a hole in the sheet witch if it's a windy day it is not conducting heat Jason age,11