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The general superstition is that if a bird flies into your home and dies, someone living in the household will die within the year.

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I means that you found dinner lol just kidding

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15y ago

get a new cat

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Q: What does it mean if you find a dead cardinal bird at doorstep?
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Is it bad luck to find a dead red cardinal in your yard?

I would think its bad luck to find anything dead in your yard, but I'm not sure if a cardinal means anything...usually its crows that are "bad luck".

Does a cardinal bird live in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park?

The Northern Cardinal or redbird has a range from Canada to Guatemala so expect to find it there.

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it means somebody put black and white feathers on your doorstep

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that you should probably move. they're f-in black widows.

How do you find a dead bird?

you look for valchers flying in a circle in the air

What does it mean to find insects in front of your doorstep?

i dont know (mabe they just like your doorstep).

What does it mean if you find a dead fish in your yard?

it means that the bird is dead nothing can help that

Is it bad luck to find a dead bird?

I would guess it depends on the bird, like a crow or an owl. Granted the poor thing just stuck in your garage and killed itself trying to get out. If you have a cat or a dog then think of it as a gift for the family!

What does it mean when you find a cardinal feather?

There was/is a cardinal nearby

What if you find a dead blue bird on the front poach?

Then you must somehow get rid of the corpse.

Where can one find Cardinal Gate online?

One can find the Cardinal Gate online on the Cardinal Gate website. The Cardinal Gate Online can also be found via blogs and forums dedicated to the Cardinal Gate.

What to do spiritually with a dead bird?

That will depend on your personal spiritual path. When we find a dead bird, we offer tobacco and a prayer for the passage of its spirit. if it is a bird sacred to us and our group and the body is in a public place, we have been known to remove it to a more secluded place.