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To follow someone on Twitter, simply means you receive updates from that person/group.

Updates on Twitter are short messages (140 characters or less). These updates are known as tweets. And anyone who follows you will see your tweets you have made on their wall when they sign in.

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12y ago
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14y ago

When someone follows you on Twitter, it means that this person will receive all updates you post on your Twitter profile.

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13y ago

It means a user is following your updates on Twitter. Anything you tweet will appear in their timeline on Twitter as long as they follow you.

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When you follow someone on Twitter, their tweets will then appear on your "timeline". This means that you don't have to go to someone's individual profile to look at their tweets.

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Tweet them.

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What is Twitter and how do you use it?

Twitter is a Social networking site that allows you to make friends, follow someone on internet if you like them, etc.Follow the steps to use twitter:1. Login to your a/c2. Make friends or follow someone you like by searching their name.As you go on using twitter you will follow everything in it.

Can you follow someone on twitter if your 900 k and up?

I think you can follow someone on Twitter if you have 900 K people already. It should not matter how many people you are following or who is following you.

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