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Dreams of being kidnapped reflect the dreamer's feelings about being forced to go someplace against their preference or to do something unpleasant. The dream is about not having control over one's choices.

That someone you know as recently died

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12y ago
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12y ago

There are at least two different ways to look at this dream. One is to look for a pun in the word "kidnapped." The dreamer might have a "kid" (child) or be a "kid," and the "kid" is taking a "nap." This interpretation would be quite appropriate if the dreamer feel asleep unexpectedly. Alternatively, the "kidnapping" could represent the dreamer's feelings of having been "taken" or "taken away" against his/her will. For example, a military draft or an assignment that cannot be declined might feel like being kidnapped.

Dreams do not "mean" anything. They are random neuron firings at at time of the sleep cycle that happen to allow individuals to remember the patterns of neurons that fired just then.

Dreams communicate through symbols. "Kidnapping" suggests that the dreamer feels that they are being controlled by some person or force outside the dreamer's self. There is a sense of not only being out of control, but of being forced into a nasty situation against one's will.

Dreams are a function of the subconscious.

Symbols have different meanings to different social groups. It therefore depends on the group to which you belong what those symbols mean.

For someone that has no knowledge of the group to which a person belongs and to claim to be able to interpret those symbols is nonsense.

Dreams mostly mean nothing and are a function of the subconscious mind. We know little of the conscious mind. Those people that claim to be able to interpret the subconscious are charlatans, playing upon the insecurities of people in need real support. Either for financial gain or kudos.

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12y ago

This dream represents something about the dreamer's own emotions. The dreamer might have emotional attachments to the ex-boyfriend. Common expressions for such feelings are, "he captured my heart," and "I'm a prisoner of love." The dream illustrates such expressions as literal capture and imprisonment.

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13y ago
  • Our subconscious picks up a lot of information we are not aware of and sometimes something such as a movie on TV; something a person said or something you read may trigger an unpleasant memory. Example: If you had a past boyfriend before your ex that had beaten you then in your dream you could have replaced your ex in place of a former ex boyfriend or you may have a girlfriend that has told you her boyfriend or ex boyfriend has beaten her. Humans also go through traumas throughout their lives (some people have extreme traumas) and this could trigger off such a dream even if it is unrelated to the dream you had of beatings from your ex. If your ex boyfriend did beat you then it is a trauma in your life and even if you have nothing more to do with him you can dream about what he did to you. Humans dream every half hour so that the stress of daily life is released and when in REM sleep humans do not remember their dreams, but it just before they wake up is when they can either have pleasant dreams or nightmares.
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11y ago

This might be a dream to pay attention to. It may be that your ex has a tendency toward violence and you may be in danger. The dream is not a supernatural prediction of the future, but it could be your own intuition and common sense trying to get you to recognize the situation you face.

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11y ago

This dream is not predicting any future event. It represents the dreamer's own anxieties and fears. On one level, the dream could be highlighting subtle indications and patterns of behavior that the dreamer's conscious mind ignores or denies. So, as always, it is certainly wise to be alert and cautious when making arrangements for your child.

> On another level, the dream is not about any actual abduction or physical danger but about the manipulation of the child's affections and loyalties. This could be rooted in the dreamer's own fear of losing the child's love. The dreamer must be very careful not to project one's own concerns and jealousies onto either the child or the ex, as this can create the very hostility the dreamer fears.

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11y ago

it doesn't mean anything

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Q: What does it mean if ex-boyfriend kidnaps you in a dream?
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