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It means to heat the oil to a really high temperature until all the lighter substances rise up (such as butane, methane, gas, light petrol; and all the heavy ones stay down at the bottom of the distillation tower (such as diesel, tar, asphalt). It is a separation process.

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8y ago

Petroleum consists of a large number of hydrocarbons along with other substances. Refining is a process through which the undesired substances are removed and the hydrocarbons are separated - and remixed in the required proportions.

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8y ago

To change crude oil, as it is extracted from the ground, into component parts which are useful to us, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, propane, asphalt, etc. The simple answer is that the oil is heated, and different components vaporize at different temperatures. Then the vapors are collected, and sometimes condensed back to liquid. Some of the components (like butane and propane) stay as gas at standard temperatures. These are collected in tanks designed for those gases. This is a simplified overview of the process.

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Q: What does it mean to refine petroleum?
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