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He probably has a crush on you and is having a hard time showing it so he does by something that a boyfriend would do.He's just trying to show that he likes you.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy corners you up to the wall?
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What does drive someone up to the wall mean?

It means that you drive them up to a wall in a vehicle. I believe you mean the idiom phrase "drive you up the wall," which means to frustrate you to the point where you feel like climbing up the wall to escape from them.

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what's up just but your problem on my wall if you want some help

What does the idiom drive up the wall mean?

I think you mean "drive someone up the wall," which means to make them so frustrated that they are thinking of climbing the walls to escape.

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"Up Against the Wall" by Peter, Bjorn and John The song is Up Against the Wall by Peter Bjorn and John

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Shove him up the wall lean over and whisper "Senpai notice me pls"

Is 'driving you up the wall' a metaphor?

Yes, "driving you up the wall" is a metaphor. It is an expression to convey someone's frustration or annoyance. It does not literally mean physically pushing someone up a wall but rather describes an emotional state.

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he works out or he shaves

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Two corners make up an edge.

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Basically, it means "What's up?" But at least he's noticing you.

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An outfielder just cannot be jumping up against the wall/fence, I mean up onto the wall/fence.

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you go up to the guy and tell him you dont mean this in a bad way but you think that his girlfriend is no good for him