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Do you mean tactical or technical? Something Else? There are no words or Paintball slang that resemble that.

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Q: What does it mean when a piant ball gun is a tacnicle marker?
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Not sure exactly, but if you mean "markers," a marker is a voucher for a line of credit. You can get a marker for a set amount of money ($1000 for instance), then if you win you can buy the marker back, and if you don't win, you have a certain amount of days to pay the marker back.

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That probably means, "knit to marker."

What does sm mean in a knitting pattern?

i think it means 'slip marker' which means take the marker from the left hand needle and put it on the right hand needle

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yes...i mean, the fruit, we also use it as a marker... the pgiment from the fruit maybe poisonus, but it has a dark violet color that will able us to make a useful marker =) yes...i mean, the fruit, we also use it as a marker... the pgiment from the fruit maybe poisonus, but it has a dark violet color that will able us to make a useful marker =)