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Evolution is a fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection is what you are trying to talk about.

When someone says " evolution is just a theory " they are using the vulgar, common sense of the word theory. They mean guess, hunch and the like. The theory of evolution by natural selection is in the scientific sense of the word theory, which means a body of explanatory work supported by myriad lines of converging evidence that has been tested rigouusly and replicated often. Any good dictionary uses this scientific meaning of theory as the primary meaning of the word.

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In the scientific context, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation that ties together many observations and is supported by evidence. Evolution, as a scientific theory, is extensively supported by multiple lines of evidence from various scientific disciplines such as Paleontology, genetics, and comparative anatomy. Describing evolution as a theory in no way diminishes its scientific validity.

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Q: What does it mean when it states that evolution is just a theory?
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What is Edwin Darwins theory on evolution?

Edwin Darwin did not propose a separate theory on evolution. The theory of evolution is commonly attributed to Charles Darwin, who put forth the concept of natural selection as the mechanism driving evolution. Edwin Darwin does not have a notable theory associated with evolution.

Is evolution a fact or theory?

Evolution is both a fact and a theory. The fact of evolution is the observed changes in the genetic makeup of populations over time. The theory of evolution explains how these changes occur through natural selection, genetic drift, and other processes.

Isn't evolution just a theory?

In science, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence. Evolution is a scientific theory supported by a vast amount of evidence from various fields such as biology, genetics, and paleontology, which explains the diversity of life on Earth through the process of natural selection.

Why do people believe in the theory of evolution?

People believe in the theory of evolution because it is supported by a vast amount of scientific evidence from various fields such as genetics, paleontology, and comparative anatomy. It provides a coherent framework to explain the diversity of life on Earth and how species have adapted and evolved over time through natural selection and genetic variation. Additionally, the theory of evolution has been tested and validated through numerous scientific studies and observations.

Why is evolution theory not fact?

Evolution is a scientific theory that is supported by overwhelming evidence from various fields such as paleontology, genetics, and microbiology. The term "theory" in science does not mean a guess, but rather a well-substantiated explanation based on evidence. While evolution is widely accepted among scientists, it is not considered a fact in the same way as established scientific laws because theories are subject to modification based on new evidence.

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Who was the author of natural theory?

You mean the evolution theory? Darwin

Responding to someone that states he or she does not believe in biological evolution because it is a theory?

The best way to respond to this is to explain that there is the fact of evolution and the theory of evolution. Evolution is defined as genetic change within a population. This is an easily observable fact both in nature and the laboratory. The theory of evolution is an explanation for the diversity of life on earth based on the observable facts that evolution does indeed occur. It is exactly the same situation with gravity. Gravity is a fact, an easily observed physical phenomenon. But there is also a Theory of Gravitation, an explanation for the phenomenon itself and how it works. That there is a theory for both evolution and gravity does not mean the facts of evolution and gravity are any less true.

What is Edwin Darwins theory on evolution?

Edwin Darwin did not propose a separate theory on evolution. The theory of evolution is commonly attributed to Charles Darwin, who put forth the concept of natural selection as the mechanism driving evolution. Edwin Darwin does not have a notable theory associated with evolution.

Which famous person in associated with evolution?

If you mean the theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest: That would be Charles Darwin.

Evolutionists often make the distinction between evolution as a fact and evolutionary theory What does this mean?

Evolution is descent with modification. Or, change over time. And formally as the change in allele frequencies over time in a population of organisms. This is an observed and a observable fact. The theory is; the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explains the fact of evolution. Natural selection is the main mechanism ( there are others ) that drives the adaptive change in organism that can lead to speciation, or just simple evolution.

Is evolution a fact or theory?

Evolution is both a fact and a theory. The fact of evolution is the observed changes in the genetic makeup of populations over time. The theory of evolution explains how these changes occur through natural selection, genetic drift, and other processes.

Are people who believe in evolution ignorant?

If you mean, "are they ignorant for being in evolution," then no. The theory of evolution is a well-founded, heavily detailed theory with an enormous amount of evidence behind it. The theory of evolution is used to study disease. It's used to study agriculture. It's used to bring together all of the sciences pertaining to life.

How does the cell theory show that Darwin's theory of evolution was incorrect?

The cell theory and Darwin's theory of evolution are not mutually exclusive; rather, they complement each other. The cell theory explains the fundamental unit of life, while Darwin's theory of evolution describes how species change over time through natural selection. The cell theory provides the biological foundation for understanding the processes that drive evolution.

How do you use ad nominem in a sentence?

When you say evolution theory implies to accept the idea you just inserted, do you require us to buy it ad nominee or are you going to explain what is evolution theory and what do you mean while using it?I had to write ad nominee, because it didn't accept the original word as correct.

What did he do after he announced his theory on evolution?

Who do you mean? Wallace or Darwin? Either way they both wrote a book about it.

Isn't evolution just a theory?

In science, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence. Evolution is a scientific theory supported by a vast amount of evidence from various fields such as biology, genetics, and paleontology, which explains the diversity of life on Earth through the process of natural selection.

What does the word theory mean in the phrase the theory of evolution?

In the phrase "the theory of evolution," the word theory refers to a well-substantiated explanation that is based on evidence and has undergone scientific scrutiny. Evolutionary theory explains how species change over time through mechanisms like natural selection.