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The word luminous refers to the bodies which emit light on their own without the dependence on an external object by means of either a chemical or a physical reaction.

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Q: What does it mean when some thing is luminous?
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What is luminous mean?

ANSWER:Luminous could also mean 'full of light or illuminated'. For example: luminous hands of a clock. Here, luminous denotes shiny or that give light. In the example: luminous room; luminous indicates well-lighted. Something that is clear or easy to understand is also termed luminous. Fro example: luminous prose or luminous theory. Luminous could also mean inspiring, intelligent, or enlightened.

What means luminous?

Luminous could also mean 'full of light or illuminated'. For example: luminous hands of a clock. Here, luminous denotes shiny or that give light. In the example: luminous room; luminous indicates well-lighted. Something that is clear or easy to understand is also termed luminous. Fro example: luminous prose or luminous theory. Luminous could also mean inspiring, intelligent, or enlightened.

Is a table non luminous?

Some tables may be painted with luminous paint. Most are not luminous.

Does luminous mean glowing?


how can a flashlight be both luminous and non-luminous at the some time?

A flashlight is luminous when it emits light (turned on). It's non-luminous when it's off or the battery dies.

Is a glow worm luminous?

Here is a very singular thing: the Glow-worm's eggs are luminous even when still contained in the mother's womb.

Why and how are various celestial objects luminous and non luminous?

Luminous objects are those which can produce or give out light of their own, while non-luminous objects cannot produce or give out their own light. Some examples of luminous objects would be the sun, stars, fireflies, glowworms and some deep sea fish Some examples of non-luminous objects would be the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and also Moons.

What does lumin mean?

full of light / not full of light

What does non-luminous mean?

Non-luminous means that an object cannot produce light although it may reflect light

Man-made luminous objects?

What are some man-made luminous objects? Someone please answer! Anonymous

What is the difference between a luminous body and an illuminated body?

One is luminous and the other is illuminated. If you know what these words mean, that should be enough.

In the sentence Sage's best friend Starr is not a luminous celestial object what would luminous mean?

well luminous means shining or glowing, so it means that shes not a glowing celestial object.