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Q: What does it mean when someone put spoons in a half circle in your yard?
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What is the radius of A?

If you mean the radius of a circle then it is half of the circle's diameter

The radius of a what?

If you mean the radius of a circle then it is half of the circle's diameter

What does it mean to share a circle?

to break it in half

What does r in the circle mean?

R = Radius The radius is half the diameter of a circle.

What is a half circle with the lines going through it mean?

Not =

What is the angle measure or degree for one half?

180 degrees, if you mean a half circle

A line segment that is only half through the circle?

If you mean a line that gous from the center of a circle to the edge of the circle, that is a radius.

What is radius mean in geometry?

The radius of a circle is half of its diameter

What does spoony mean?

Spoony means your happy. Or it can also mean you love spoons or you are afraid of spoons.

What is a radius circle?

If you mean "what is the radius of a circle", then the answer is the line segment or length from the center of circle to the set of points that form the circle. The radius is also half of the diameter.

The circle has a radius of 30 millimeters. What is the diameter of a circle in centimeters?

The radius of the circle is half the diameter of the circle. 30mm radius would mean 60mm diameter or 6cm.

What does the word raduis mean in mathematics?

it is the distance between the senter of a circle and the actual circle and it is always equal to half of the diameter